Wajahat Ali Wants to ‘F Elon Musk and His Ghouls to the Lowest Depths of Hell’

While the Democrats were desperately trying to save the bloated, pork-filled, 1,500-page continuing resolution Thursday, they landed on a talking point that was quickly picked up and reprinted by The Bulwark’s Sam Stein: Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, had taken out $190 million earmarked for children with cancer.
And there you have it. New bill removes funding for this bipartisan child cancer research program. $190 million — a small drop comparatively — is now gone. will need to be passed at some other point, if it can get passed at all. https://t.co/pPwhYNmRGv
— Sam Stein (@samstein) December 19, 2024
“If it can get passed at all.” Hmm. On Friday night, Sen. Chuck Schumer finally brought to the floor a bill funding research for pediatric cancer that the Republican House had passed in March. Schumer had been sitting on it since then. Not surprisingly, when the funding was presented in a separate bill, it passed easily and was sent to President Joe Biden’s desk to sign Saturday morning.
We covered some of the freakouts over Musk trying to kill children by taking away pediatric cancer funding: There was MSNBC’s Christopher Hayes, Obama bro Jon Favreau, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren. We missed this meltdown from Wajahat Ali but thought it was worth a post:
As a father of a daughter who had a full liver transplant and is a Stage 4 cancer survivor, F @elonmusk and his ghouls to the lowest depths of hell. https://t.co/PGCpAtb3fd
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) December 20, 2024
What was pediatric cancer research funding doing in a continuing resolution to keep the government open? What was in those 1,500 pages that was necessary to keep the government open? The Senate was presented the cancer funding in a clean bill and it passed easily Friday night. And that’s the lesson, that’s how it should be done: write single-issue bills. That’s what the people want. They don’t want cancer research for kids tied to a congressional pay raise.
— Bluesky Libs (@BlueskyLibs) December 21, 2024
Ask Chuck Schumer. The GOP passed it in the House. pic.twitter.com/CKxr3ZTBW5
— 𝔻𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖 (@georg3) December 20, 2024
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence…unless it’s from @WajahatAli because then it’s obviously both. 🖕 https://t.co/3vWyCmFqob
— Pablo (@Pablo_1791) December 20, 2024
This doesn’t work anymore
— Brandon S (@BSaarX) December 20, 2024
The House passed the bill in March. The Senate has been sitting on it since March. Call Chuck Schumer.
— Leftyonthelinks (@LeftyontheLinks) December 20, 2024
You do realize Schumer could have this passed in an hour if he wanted right? House already passed it in March. You are in ill informed grifter.
— Matt Wright (@mattwr) December 20, 2024
It passed in less than an hour after languishing on Schumer’s desk for nine months.
Properly regulated humans get more mad at those on their side who lie to them than they were about the original item that set them off.
— Chet (@WeirdSciChet) December 21, 2024
You’ve been propagandized by the media and liberal fear mongering.
— Nunyabuziness 𝕏 (@nunyabizkness) December 21, 2024
Ali’s job is liberal fear-mongering and propaganda.
And once again, Musk didn’t write the bill or block anything. He brought the pork to our attention and gave us an uncensored social media platform to let our elected leaders we did not want that 1,500-page monstrosity to pass.
Save your anger for Schumer.