Blue Ivy and the dangers of being a Nepo Child when things go wrong
Nepo babies, as we have come to realise, are omnipresent. They are in every movie, top 50 chart, magazine, and probably even – in your office. It makes sense – if there’s a family business, it’s tempting to join. It’s just that their family business isn’t flogging concrete or selling translation services, it’s in the razzle dazzle of the silver screen. They aren’t a new thing – Charlie Chaplin, Charles Darwin, and Oscar Wilde were all the offspring of parents who first succeeded in the industries that they later flourished in. I’m sure that in the times of cavemen, it wouldn’t have been a surprising sight to find the lead hunter dragging around his scrawny, lazy, teenager, trying to teach him the tricks of the trade while the rest of the group rolled their eyes and made comical little cavemen drawings about him behind his back. Bosses the world over have been sneaking their children into upper management positions they have no right being in, cramming in the often inept and ill-equipped into every senior nook and cranny. And don’t even get me started on the monarchy.